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St. Croix Health's Primary Care Providers are here for your entire family. From birth through adolescents into teen years and beyond, your provider can partner with you and your family to help you all live healthier, happier, and longer lives.

Newborn Care

Although newborns do not come with full instruction manuals, St. Croix Health is here for you and your new baby. Please find information below to answer some standard questions around caring for your newborn.

  • Congratulations! Information about first steps to take with your employer and insurance company after bringing baby home.
  • Tips for Bathing Your Baby This information sheet provides basic information to help you make your baby's first baths as safe and stress-free as possible.
  • Infant Feeding Log Basic recommendations for how often to feed your baby. You can print this handout for the feeding log on the back to help monitor your baby's eating.
  • Making Plenty of Milk If you are breastfeeding, this handout provides information on how to ensure you are supplying the milk for your baby.
  • Postpartum Warning Signs Please understand the signs of postpartum depression.
  • Safe Sleeping Tips Recommendations about providing a safe sleeping environment for your newborn.
  • Immunizations Timeline of recommended immunizations and what they prevent.